2019 National Engineering Month Recap

Discovery Day and Sponsor Booths

The seventh annual Engineering Discovery Day took place at Lambton Mall on Saturday, March 2nd.

Engineering Discovery Day promotes science, math, and engineering to children through interactive activity booths stationed throughout the mall. This year there were seven booths organized by the PEO Lambton Chapter which featured activities such as building rockets, testing catapults, and button making. The activities allowed the children to express their creativity while learning lessons about what it takes to be an engineer and about the different fields they could work in someday.

The day was a massive success with approximately 300 children and their parents coming out to enjoy the day. A huge thank you goes out to the 24 volunteers from Imperial Oil, and especially to the event coordinators Nicole Spencer and Abigail Hall for making this day possible.  Huge thanks go out to all sponsors as well for providing the sponsorship to make this event possible.

Bridge Breaking

The Bridge Breaking event was a huge success for yet another year!
